Sunday, December 31, 2017

How To Create Your Own Command Prompt Calculator

How To Create Your Own Command Prompt Calculator

Have you wanted to make calculations in command prompt? Well now you can make your own calculator to quickly solve a simple mathematical problem using notepad and command prompt.

To make calculator using Microsoft Command Prompt and notepad, follow these steps.

1. Click the Start button, type Notepadin the Search box of the Start menu, and choose Notepad from the menu to open the Notepad.

2. Copy the following code to the Notepad:

@echo off


echo Enter your choice

echo Press 1 for Addition

echo Press 2 for Subtraction

echo Press 3 for Multiplication

echo Press 4 for Division

echo Press 5 to Quit

set /p type=             

if %type%==1 goto a

if %type%==2 goto b

if %type%==3 goto c

if %type%==4 goto d

if %type%==5 goto e


echo Addition

echo Please enter 2 numbers you wish to add

set /p num1=

set /p num2=

echo Sum of %num1%+%num2%?


set /a Answer=%num1%+%num2%

echo %Answer%


goto start


echo Subtraction

echo Please choose the 2 numbers you wsh to subtract

set /p num1=

set /p num2=

echo %num1%-%num2%?


set /a Answer=%num1%-%num2%

echo %Answer%


goto start


echo Multiplication

echo Please enter 2 numbers you wish to multiply

set /p num1=

set /p num2=

echo multiplication of %num1%*%num2%?


set /a Answer=%num1%*%num2%

echo %Answer%


goto start


echo Division

echo Please enter 2 numbers you wish to divide

set /p num1=

set /p num2=

echo Division of %num1%/%num2%?


set /a Answer=%num1%/%num2%

echo %Answer%


goto start


echo. Done!

3. Go to file and save as file with .bat extension and Save as type box to All Files and then click save.

4. Double click on the file and Follow the simple instructions to get your desired result.

Also See: How to Change the Computer Date and Time Using the Command Prompt.

go to link download