Monday, January 15, 2018

Interesting Facts About Jeremiah

Interesting Facts About Jeremiah

                   Interesting Facts About Jeremiah


MEANING:  Jeremiah means �Yahweh throws.�
AUTHOR:  Jeremiah  (Except for chapter 52)
TIME WRITTEN:  The exact year is unknown.
POSITION IN THE BIBLE:  � 24th Book in the Bible
 � 24th Book in the Old Testament
 � 2nd of 17 books of Prophecy
(Isaiah - Malachi)
 � 2nd of 5 major prophets
 � 42 Books to follow it.
VERSES:  1,364
WORDS:  42,659
n  Jeremiah�s ministry spanned more than 40 years, from 627
to about 580 B.C.
n  Jeremiah was a heartbroken prophet with a heartbreaking
n  Jeremiah is known as �The weeping Prophet.�
n  Jeremiah was from the city of Anathoth, two miles south of
n  Jeremiah�s father was Hilkiah, the priest.
n  Before his birth, Jeremiah was called to be a prophet.
n  As an object lesson, Jeremiah was not permitted to marry.
n  Jeremiah was a persecuted prophet.
� Threatened in his home town of Anathoth.
� Tried for his life by the priests and prophets.
� Put in stocks.
� Forced to flee from King Jehoiachim.
� Publicly humiliated by a false prophet named Hananiah.
� Thrown into a cistern.
n  Jeremiah dictated the writings to his secretary, Baruch.
 n Jeremiah was a contemporary of:
� Zephaniah
� Habakkuk
� Daniel
� Ezekiel
n Jeremiah prophesied of the coming judgment of God upon
Judah through the Babylonian captivity of the
Southern Kingdom.
n Babylon is referred to 164 times in the Book of Jeremiah.
n Jeremiah specifically prophesies that the captivity will last
for 70 years (25:11-14;  29:10).  Daniel 9:2 refers to
Jeremiah�s prophecy.  Three stages of Jeremiah�s
� From 627-650 B.C., he prophesied while Judah was
threatened by Assyria and Egypt.
� From 605-586 B.C., he prophesied God�s judgment while
Judah was threatened and besieged by Babylon.
� From 586 to about 680 B.C, wherein he ministered in
Jerusalem and Egypt after Judah�s down fall.
n In Jeremiah 31:33, the prophet prophecies that God will
make a new covenant for His people.
n Jeremiah�s message is communicated through:
� Parables
� Sermons
� Object lessons

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