Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Part Of My Collection

Dear friends,

Today I shall present you a part of my collection of books and beloved things. Things I use on a daily/regular basis, things that I like and things that make me feel like home no matter where I am.

Everyone has that... and object - be it a book, a photo, a perfume - that makes one feel like home. In time you invest feelings and you match items with things that happened to you: I read this book when I was sad about something and it made me feel energised, I took that photo when I was with my friend and we were "having the time of our lifes", I bought this perfume becouse it reminds me of my dear friend who wore the same perfume... We are human beings, we are born to live in society and have people around us. We are born to make friends and be broken by the wrong turns in friendships... We rise, we fall and we learn :)

Recently I discovered that besides my regular Elizabeth Arden love (both for the awesome "Sunflower" and for the delicate "Green Tea") I began to be quite interested in the Celine Dion signature perfumes :) Not that I would not be a freak when it comes to perfumes and that I collect everything I like since I was small :))))

I love movie and so does my fiancee :) We believe firmly that if you like a movie than you should support it by any means - that also includes no downloads but rather buying DVDs of the movie. I am a fan of period movies and I own a whole shelve of different adaptations of Jane Austen books ;) plus several other movies :) not to mention that it is much easier just to have a look on the shelve and just pick something and watch it ;)

Sunglasses are an addition to my wardrobe that I always loved to hate - they are a necessary evil and I own 3 pairs but I dearly love the pair in this photo :) It goes with everything! And as you will see in these pictures my LadyBugs are always following me :) They are my constant companions ;)

Small things make me happy... The Venetian masque, the Greek recipient, the Peter Pan pen, the bookmarks... they are all dear to me as they are gifts from my dear friends... things I see daily and they make me think of my friends daily. For an expat it is hard to think of friends left behind, but small things help daily... you see them, you know they are there and you know they think of you...

Books... oh... books are my love ever since I was a child so it is hard to ever be anywhere where there is no book around... When I went to the USA I brought almost a full suitcase of music/movies/books with me... when I came to Poland I had with me only 2 or 3 books... Now I have 2 shelves :) Yes! I am addicted to good books/movies/music and I admit it!

And who would not be in love with books? They help you grow, they help you develop your personality and your thinking and they get to affect the decisions and even the paths you will take in life :) Always read a book before the movie. I proudly can say I did that. Even with "Lord Of The Rings" - and it is one of the few movies that I was not utterly dissapointed ;) even though the relationship between Aragorn and Arwen was not THAT extensive in the books ;)

And yes! That is another LadyBug - made out of paper and a dear gift from a very dear friend :)

You cannot be a true fan of LOTR if you do not own the books and some of Tolkiens works... well... I think I can proudly say that I have most of it: Silmarillion (my personal fav, and I truly believe that everyone should read it in order to understand more LOTR), The Hobbit (including the comics version in Polish language), Roverandom (which is more like a child story but it is really nice), Unfinished Stories (his son helped in ordering them and finishing the works of the father - quite nicely, I may add!) and the awesome Children Of Hurin :)

Et voila! Cest my fav shelve of period books and a part of the history ones - focus on Second World War ;) Well... what can I say... everyone has a weakness... most of the boys have it for sports and for computer games (Mortal Kombat and such) and most of the girls have it for make up and clothes... my blog is not a fashion blog. My blog is about a girl who loves to learn and to experience new things, a girl who loves to be in love and be loved :*

Yours truly,
The LadyBug :)