Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sonntag Aktuell Prize For The Most Interesting Tour Offer Goes To

Dear friends,

You know me, I like finding new things about Poland and especially about Krakow. More than 3 years ago, when I settled down in this fairy land very close to my heart, I wanted to start learning Polish language. The sad part was the fact that I always had a irregular schedule, mostly starting from 4 or 5 PM till early in the morning so all the available lessons were out of my reach. Now I managed to kinda self teach myself and I do understand mostly all that people around me speak of. Answering back is still an issue but hey! Thank God for hands and sign language :) But if I would have chosen a place where I would have liked to go study for sure it would have been the Varia Polish Language Center as their offer for courses is amazing: from semester courses to fast track intesive to the individual lessons in which you could learn at your own pace.
Now I did not know this until recently but  Varia Polish Language Center also hosts a lovely tour of Krakow: "Krakow on High Heels" - a tour only for women, being held for 5 days in Krakow. Each day has its individual programme as you can see in the picture below. In 2012, they received the "Sonntag Aktuell" which is a very prestigious prize for the most interesting tour offer. Its a great way to escape for a while, to have a small break/holiday and relax as you fall in love with Krakow again and again. If you are interseted I would definetely give it a go. At 320 Euro per lady/lass/madam you will have the entrance tickets covered and 4 nights + breakfast. There are 5 dates and the closest one is from the 11th till the 15th of September; the rest of 4 dates are for 2015 and you can see them on the picture below.
I believe this would be a brilliant way to learn more of Krakow and if any of my friends would come around those dates I would surely pass this information to them. They are easy to find both on facebook and also on their website. If you manage to go, if you manage to join them in this tour before I do, give me a shout and let me know how it went :) 

Yours truly,
A LadyBug That Each Day Falls In Love With Krakow