Wednesday, March 18, 2015


First, I decided to do a salad. I know that I am not a good cook. I have even burned pasta, before because I thought the sauce was supposed to change color. But the one thing that I have done successfully every time is making salad. So this is why I am starting with a salad. It is a Bombay Salad. I was very confused over this because when I looked at the ingredients it said I needed avocado. I then had to go and buy all of these foods that I usually only use in a blue moon. The ingredients included

  1. 1 carton of sour cream
  2. 1 avocado, halved and mashed
  3. 1/4 cup minced onion powder
  4. 2 cloves garlic
  5. 1 tablespoon curry powder
  6. 2 large tomatoes
  7. 1 head of iceberg lettuce
  8. 4 thin slices of red onion
  9. salt
  10. 2 pickled jalapeño chiles
After I got all of these groceries, I decided not put in  the jalapeno because I planned on serving it to my family and my brother gets sick if he eats them. So then in a bowl I combined the sour cream , avocado, onion, onion powder, garlic, and curry powder, and whisk until smooth, (Walsh). It took me around 3 minutes to get it perfectly smooth. " Fan the tomato slices on 2 chilled salad plates remove several layers of leaves from the center of the cut side" ( 8 Walsh). After that I laced the tomatoes on the plate With the lettuce pour the mixture over the lettuce . (Walsh). Then put  salt and onions on the top of the now finished salad. I thought all of these dont go together because some are spicy sweet and plain. But the mixture had great layer of thickness and tasted pretty good. Overall I felt good with the salad.  If I dont put in an ingredient then will it not taste as good?

Walsh, Robb. Texas Eats. New York: Ten Speed, 2012. Print